Thursday, 1 April 2021

How to get PC from the Sub Register office or Examination section of Andhra University.

 * It is a very easy process when compared with T. C taking process.

1. Submitting your (T.C and Nodues) certificates _one set of xerox copies to the concern section in the register or Examination section.

Eg. M.Sc,. Geography; E-VII Section.

* they provide you PC and IV Semester mark list.

#PC can work up to getting OD.

# After collection PC, It is better to take OD within the two years of the period after onwards every year you people have to pay an extra fine. maybe 200/- rupees per year.

How to get T.C ( Transfer Certificate) from the AUCST( AU college of Science & Technology), Andhra University

 * collect the Nodues form, from the Principal office

1. taking signature on  No dues form from the concerned hostel. 

2. taking signature on  No dues form, from concern Department.

(Sing from the in-charge/ Department librarian, HOD and have to pay alumni fee/ contribution)

3. taking signature on  No dues form, from SV Krishan Library ( central library)

( there you have to submit 1. ID card/100/- fine, 2). Library cards, 3). Loan Books)

4. Generating DD to the favour of Principal AUCST

5. Submitting all the collected no dues forms in the principal office along with the signed no due form and is there any pending tuition fee you have to pay there.

6. Principal office provides you;  a). T.C and B). No dues certificate.

Equivalence Certificate_ the students who did their M.A degree is equal to M.Sc., Geography in Andhra University.


Prof. T.V. Krishna


Department of Geography

College of Science & Technology

Andhra University


A.P., India– 530 003


Telephone : (O) +91-891-2844582

                    (R) +91-891-2713764

Mobile       :       +91-9849199052

Email         :



    Date: 05-02-2020.


The Registrar,

Central Administrative Office,

Andhra University,



Respected Sir,


            Sub:     Submission of remarks regarding equivalency – Reg.

            Ref:     Your letter No. LII (1) / Geography / Equivalency / 2020, dated 29th January,            



            With reference to the above, it is to inform you that, M.A. Geography studied by Mr.#######, JNTU, New Delhi is equivalent to the M.Sc., Geography degree of Andhra University. This is for your kind information and necessary action.

            Thanking you,






                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,



                                                                                                                      (T.V. KRISHNA)

Direction Letter to accept DigiLocker Documents during Admission Process_ UGC_ India

 download order copy from the below link.


RRC ( research review committee) _ Andhra University_ Geography_ to be filled by the candidate and have to attach the work done by the candidate.







Name of the Research Scholar





Date of Registration





Date of extension/Re-registration proceedings






Guide/Co-Guide name(s)





Title of the Research Work





Road map for progress of research (indicate briefly the work carried out in each stage of the following)



Introduction, need for the study





Review of Literature





Gap analysis and  problem statement





Objective of the study










Experimental Setup










Data collection, Analysis





Results and Interpretation










Papers published in the journal (Scopus Indexed)





Papers presented in the conferences/seminars







Date of Review:                                                                                                                          Signature of the Candidate





Research Guide                 Chairman, BOS                  Head of the Department                                External Member

Pre-Ph.D _Hall ticket model/ demo to be filled by the candidate and Circular_ Andhra University_ Geography


Pre -Ph.D syllabus and Model papers_ Andhra University_ Geography.


 M.Phil / Ph.D Programme



1.     Geomorphic appraisal of natural hazards

2.     Soil as resource and its distribution in India –Conservation of Soils

3.     Population explosion in India and its socio-economic consequences – population Policies in India

4.     Climate Change – evidences and indicators, Global warming, Environmental impacts. Climate Vs human activity and Agriculture

5.     Environmental pollution, Planning and management, Natural disaster management

6.     Conservation and management of resources. Sustainable resource management, Coastal processes and coastal management concept, methods, integrated resource development and its application

7.     Urban problems and planning – Sprawl migration transportation, housing, land use planning

8.     Remote Sensing application in Geographical studies



1.     Chorley. R.J., ‘Water, Earth and Man’, Methuen & Co., London, 1969

2.     Chorley. R.J., ‘Spatial analysis in Geomorphology’, Harper and Row, London, 1972

3.     Chorley. R.J., ‘Introduction to geographical Hydrology Mathew Co, 1971

4.     Hanwell J.D., and Newson M.D., ‘Techniques in Physical Geography, Macmillan, London, 1973

5.     Kennis and Mathew, ‘Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering Survey’, University Press, London, 1985

6.     King C.A.M., ‘Landforms and Geomorphology – Concepts and history’, Buchmak, papers in Geology, Vol.28, Dowde, Hitchinson & Ross, USA, 1976

7.     Miller, Turk and Poth, ‘Fundamentals of Soils’

8.     Critch field, H.J., ‘General climatology’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1987

9.     Robinson, H, Biogeography’, E.L.R.S., London, 1978

10.  King C.A.M., ‘Beaches and coasts’, Edward Arnold, London

11.  Mather J.R., ‘Climatology, Fundamentals and applications’, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1974

12.  Carter H., ‘The study of Urban Geography’, Arnold Heinemann, 1982

13.  Kack P. Gibbs, ‘Urban research Methods’, D. Von Nestrand Company, Inc Princeton, New Jersey, 1967

14.  Asha a. Bhande and Tata Kantikar I., ‘Principles of Population studies’. Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1978

15.  Jogindra Kumar and Voltsala Narain, ‘India Populatin Future’.


          M.Phil / Ph.D Programme




1.     Objectives of Research ; Research Plan: Title, problem, survey of literature, procedure, tools, time schedule and approaches; Report Writing


2.     Analysis of data by statistical techniques – Interpolation and extrapolation – Sampling (Random, systematic, stratified, clustered and multi stage sampling) – Dispersion and Correlation – Regression – Tests of hypothesis – Significance and Rejection levels – The Chi-square (X2) test , F-test and student T-test


3.     Analysis and representation of data by cartographic techniques – point, line and area symbols; Visual and Digital Interpretation of Air photographs and Satellite Imagery; GIS applications in geographical studies


4.     Urban morphology and land use / land cover conditions : city core, commercial, industrial and residential areas; Contemporary urban issues: Urban settlements, Urban poverty, urban infrastructure, housing and transportation; Causes and consequences of urban expansion; Trends in the urbanization of India


5.     Man and environment relationship ; Rural – Urban climates; Urban environmental problems: Natural and man-made environmental disasters ; Nature and impacts of Air pollution, Noise pollutions, water pollution ; Solid waste and sewage management, Urban climates and their impact on environment and human health





1.     Haring L.L., and Loundsbury J.F., ‘Introduction to Scientific Geography Research’, S.M.S. Brown & Co, Low Publishers, 1971

2.     Goode W.N., and Hall P.J.K., ‘Methods in social research’, McGraw hill Book Co., Tokyo, 1952

3.     Younds, P.V., and schemed, C., ‘Scientific Social Surveys and research’

4.     Woodcock R.C., & Balley M.J., ‘Quantitative Geography’, Macdonald and Evans, Plymouth, 1978

5.     King L.J., ‘Statistical analysis in Geography’, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1969

6.     Kovacs M., (Ed), ‘Pollution control and conservation’, Ellishorwood, Chichoester, 1985

7.     Peter Toyne and Peter T. Newby, ‘Techniques and Human Geography’, Macmillan

8.     Gupt C.B., ‘An Introduction to Statistical methods’, Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,

New Delhi

9.     Robinson. A.H., and Bales R.D., ‘Elements of Cartography’, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork

10.  Lattman and Ray, ‘Aerial Photographic Interpretation’, Mc Graw Hill






    M. Phil /Pre-Ph.D. EXAMIINATION


Paper I

Research Advances in Geography


Time: 3 hours                                                                              Max. Marks: 100

                                        Answer any FIVE questions

                                    All questions carry equal marks



1.     What are natural hazards? Describe the role of Geomorphologist in application of knowledge of geomorphology in mapping natural hazards.


2.     Define land capability and bring out the relationship between landforms, soils, land use and land capability with a specific example of any river basin.


3.     What is remote sensing and describe the application of remote sensing techniques in geographical studies.


4.     Define the term desertification and explain various deserts and eco development programmes under taken to develop desert areas.


5.     Describe the various coastal processes and explain the role of wave refraction diagrams in interpretation of transportations of sediments along the beaches.


6.     What are climatic hazards and describe the relationship between climate and health.


7.     Define the term CBD. Explain the characteristics of central business district with special reference to Visakhapatnam city.


8.     Write an account of quality of urban life in different residential areas of Visakhapatnam city.


9.     Give an account of population policies in India.


10.  Define demographic transition and describe the world population problems.






                             M. Phil / Pre Ph.D. EXAMINATION


                          Paper II: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY


Time: 3 hours                                                                                        Max. Marks: 100

                                          Answer any FIVE questions

                                     All questions carry equal marks


1.     (a) What is the significance of survey of literature in the research


                   (b) Explain the contents of report Writing



2.     (a) Explain different methods of sampling


                    (b) Discuss the applicability of Chi-square test with examples



3.     (a) What are the elements of aerial interpretation


                    (b) What is the significance of GIS in land use / land cover studies?



4.     (a) What are the factors that influence the urban expansion and discuss  

      In detail   


(b) Explain the nature of urban settlements and their associated




5.     (a) Explain why climate of rural areas is completely different from Urban



(b) What are different sources of air pollution and how it impacts the

      Human health and Environment?