Saturday, 27 March 2021

New revised I semester (PG) syllabus and model papers of Geography Subject, Andhra University


(Model Question paper for 2020-21 academic year)


M.Sc. Degree Examination



(First Semester)


Gr 101              GEOMORPHOLOGY

 ( Effective from the admitted batch of2015-16)

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                             Max Marks : 80



Answer all questions and all questions carry equal marks


1.  A)     Explain the fundamental concepts in Geomorphology.


     B)     Critically examine the views of Davis and Penck on the cycle of erosion.



2.  A)     Write a detailed account of the interior of the earth.


      B)     Examine the theory of mountain building activity.



3.  A)     Describe the processes responsible for the formation of folds and faults in detail.


      B)    What is meant by mass wasting and explain different processes of erosion.



4.   A)   What is meant by weathering ? Explain the processes of physical weathering in detail.


      B)    Discuss the various views on the formation of peniplains.


5.   Answer any FOUR of the Following ( Short answer type  4 * 4 = 16 marks)

               a)   Uniformiterranianism

               b)  River piracy

               c)  Isostasy

               d)  Geocyncline

               e)  Horst & Graben

               f)  Mass wasting

(Model Question paper for 2020-21 academic year)


M.Sc. Degree Examination




(First Semester)


Gr 102            ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY

 ( Effective from the admitted batch of2015-16)

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                             Max Marks : 80


                                         Answer all questions and all questions carry equal marks


1.  A)     What is the scope of economic geography and discuss along with its contents


     B)     What are the factors that contribute for the existence of various economic activities in general




2.  A)     Describe the locational factors for establishment of any economic activity.


      B)     Explain how far Vanthunen agricultural location theory is valid in the modern world.



3.  A)     Compare between industrial  location theories of Weber and August Losch.


      B)    Justify the factors involved in location of Iron and Steel industries of India.



4.   A)   Explain how connectivity and accessibility are significant in the economic activity.


      B)    Discuss the role of market in the development of trade and Commerce.



5.   Answer any FOUR of the Following ( Short answer type  4 * 4 = 16 marks)

               a)   Quinary activities

               b)  Concept of regionalisation

               c)   Raw materials

               d)  Isodapanes

               e)  Agglomeration

               f)  Typology of markets

(Model Question paper for 2020-21 academic year)


M.Sc. Degree Examination



(First Semester)



 ( Effective from the admitted batch of2015-16)

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                             Max Marks : 80


                                     Answer all questions and all questions carry equal marks



1.  A)     Give an account of climatic regions of India.


     B)     Write an essay on physiographic divisions of India.




2.  A)     Define soil. Explain the distribution pattern of soils in India.


      B)     Why irrigation and power generation is interlinked? Explain with Indian example.



3.  A)      Give a critical account of atomic power generation in India.


      B)     Write an essay on ship-building industry in India.



4.   A)    Write a note on road transportation in India.


      B)     Discuss the pattern of population distribution in India



5.   Answer any FOUR of the Following ( Short answer type  4 * 4 = 16 marks)

               a)   Deccan Plateau

               b)   Indus River system

               c)   Monsoon forests

               d)   Major commercial crops in India

               e)  Cement industry in India

               f)  India's foreign trade

(Model Question paper for 2020-21 academic year)


M.Sc. Degree Examination



(First Semester)



 ( Effective from the admitted batch of2015-16)

Time : 3 hours                                                                                                             Max Marks : 80


                                         Answer all questions and all questions carry equal marks



1.  A)     Define map projection. Explain its importance in Cartography?


     B)     Define cartography. Explain its scope and nature?



2.  A)     Explain the importance of colour and pattern in Cartography?


      B)     Discuss the theories of visual perception with examples?



3.  A)      Explain the significance of typography and lettering in map production?


      B)     Write a brief note on map compilation process, procedure and constraints?



4.   A)    Explain various cartographic techniques to represent socio-economic data?


      B)     Give an account of types of maps and their uses?



5.   Answer any FOUR of the Following ( Short answer type  4 * 4 = 16 marks)

               a)   Artistic leanings in Cartography

               b)  Graphic element

               c)  Munsell colour chart

               d)  Cartographic generalisation

               e)  Elements of map design

               f)  Cartogram

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